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SE 68
SBG 197 R
SE 42
SE 18

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Wilde + Spieth

Wilde + Spieth chair by Egon Eiermann

The story of Wilde + Spieth begins with the founding of the Spieth joinery in 1831 in Esslingen/Neckar, near Stuttgart, and where the furniture manufacturer is still based today. In 1912 the company changed, which at that time mainly produced wooden roller shutters, to Wilde + Spieth. The beginning of the collaboration between Wilde + Spieth and the architect and designer Egon Eiermann in the 1940s marked a decisive turning point in the company's history, seeing it move ever more towards the development and production of furniture designs; and which from 1948 onwards completely determined the company's development. Egon Eiermann, firmly rooted in the ideals of modern functionalism, wanted to develop series furniture for social housing and, together with Wilde + Spieth, presented the first sample furniture made of plywood and tubular steel in 1949 as part of the exhibition “Wie wohnen?” in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe, and designs which were received with enthusiasm. Up until the 1970s, around 30 models were created for Wilde + Spieth, of which the Eiermann chairs in particular are considered absolute design classics. From the 1950s, thanks to increasing demand, Wilde + Spieth also produced designer furniture by other German architects and designers such as Herbert Hirche or Herta-Maria Witzemann. The connection to architecture is a particular focus for Wilde + Spieth in the area of ​​contract furniture: in addition to standard furniture, Wilde + Spieth realizes custom-made products and individual solutions in cooperation with architects. This also includes the international reputation for the production of orchestral furniture that is adapted to individual requirements and maintained by Wilde + Spieth. Numerous large orchestras around the world, such as the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, rely on Wilde + Spieth orchestral chairs.

Wilde + Spieth and Sustainability

The continued success of the Wilde + Spieth company is based on sustainability, the highest quality standards and outstanding service. Wilde + Spieth products are produced exclusively in Germany and from German woods, which are processed by trustworthy suppliers in Brakel. In addition, a new tree is planted for every tree that is cut, illustrating the company's understanding of the responsible use of resources. In addition, Wilde + Spieth furniture can be repaired and parts exchanged. As the chairs in particular have to meet very different requirements, their quality consists in paying close attention to every detail. Wilde + Spieth furniture combine ergonomics, noble surfaces and materials with functionality and aesthetics and thus create designer furniture that will stand the test of time.

Project planning with Wilde + Spieth

SE 42 from Wilde + Spieth

Wilde + Spieth SE 18 folding chair

SE 68 chair from Wilde + Spieth

Eiermann SE 68, a German design classic

Wilde + Spieth SE 42 chair

smow sells exclusively originals from licensed manufacturers and is an official trading partner of Wilde+Spieth.

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