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Démon Shelf

by Mathieu Matégot, 1954 — from CHF 310.00
Gubi Démon Shelf

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Démon Shelf W 155 x H 105 cm|Natural oak

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CHF 830.00 *
Available within 4-6 weeks
(standard delivery time)
3% advance payment discount*: CHF 805.10 (Save CHF 24.90)

The Démon wall shelf from Gubi was designed in 1954 by Mathieu Matégot and was originally intended as a bookshelf for a domestic library. With its material mix of wood and metal, the configurable Gubi shelf brings a little industrial flair to any living space.


Product type Shelving
Dimensions For a complete overview please click on the picture.
Weight 95 x 46 cm: 5,6 kg
95 x 105 cm: 14,8 cm
95 x 140 cm: 20,4 kg
95 x 155 cm: 26,0 kg

155 x 46 cm: 7,8 kg
155 x 105 cm: 21,4 kg
155 x 140 cm: 29,2 kg
155 x 155 cm: 37,0 kg

215 x 46 cm: 11,1 kg
215 x 105 cm: 30,3 kg
215 x 140 cm: 41,4 kg
215 x 155 cm: 52,5 kg

Material Shelves: veneer (ash, oak or American walnut)
Mounts: metal, painted black
Variants Available in a wide range of sizes
Function & properties Information concerning the maximum load capacity can be found in the product data sheet.
Care To clean a damp cloth and a mild detergent are recommmended
Warranty 24 months
Datasheet Please click on picture for detailed information (ca. 0,3 MB).

Popular versions

Démon Shelf, W 95 x H 46 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 140 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 140 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 46 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 46 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 95 x H 46 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 46 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 105 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 155 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 105 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 95 x H 155, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 46 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 140 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 155 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 155 x H 155 cm, American walnut
Démon Shelf, W 95 x H 140, Black stained ash
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 140 cm, Black stained ash
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 105 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 155 cm, Natural oak
Démon Shelf, W 215 x H 46 cm, Black stained ash

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