Paul Schneider-Esleben
Paul Schneider-Esleben
Paul Maximilian Heinrich Schneider von Esleben was born in Dusseldorf, Germany, in 1915 and today is one of the most important figures of German post-war modernism. As an architect, Paul Schneider-Esleben's work wasn't limited to the planning and realisation of numerous buildings - the all-round talent Paul Schneider-Esleben designed furniture produced by manufacturers such as Flötotto or Thonet, painted, and was proficient in numerous trades and crafts. He began his education in 1937 with the study of architecture in Darmstadt, which he completed in Stuttgart in 1948, following a interruption for war time military service. In the 1950s, Schneider-Esleben's first buildings were realised, and that in the so-called international style, one of the most important examples being the Mannesmann skyscraper on the banks of the Rhine in Dusseldorf. From 1961 Schneider-Esleben taught in Hamburg and was significantly influenced in the following years by brutalism. One of his most famous works from this period is the Cologne-Bonn Airport from the year 1970. The furniture manufacturer Richard Lampert, a specialist in the design of German post-war modernism, has reissued Schneider-Esleben's TT 54 dining chair.

Architect & designer of post-war modernism: Paul Schneider-Esleben