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Ongo Free Triangel
Ongo Classic
Ongo Free Round
Ongo Spark
Ongo Meet

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Agile and ergonomic working with ONGO

Since its founding in 2010 Ongo has made it its mission to develop new workplace concepts for the dynamic requirements of modern working. Under Köhl's leadership these innovations have been consistently continued and advanced since 2023. The focus is on healthy and active sitting, because more mobility in the workplace increases both productivity and the well-being of employees.

Ergonomic home office with Ongo

Work flexibly and ergonomically: Office furniture from ONGO by KÖHL for the office and home office

Ongo by KÖHL office furniture is ergonomically designed and can be adjusted to the body size to promote a healthy posture. The movable stools in particular support dynamic sitting.

In addition to ergonomic furniture, sufficient space at the workplace is important - ideally around 10 square meters. The monitor should be at least 20 inches large and at eye level. A height-adjustable Ongo desk promotes ergonomic working as it allows you to work while standing. Exercise in everyday work, such as stretching exercises or short walks, is also important for health. A pleasant room climate with a humidity of 40-60% and a temperature of 20-22 degrees Celsius supports well-being. Employers should also observe the ergonomic requirements of the Workplace Ordinance and the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Relaxed and always on the move - office furniture from Ongo by KÖHL is suitable for agile office and home work

Agile working with the Free Triangel Stool from ONGO by KÖHL

ONGO by KÖHL in the office:

ONGO by KÖHL is revolutionising workplace concepts and helping companies to remain competitive in a dynamic working world. Height-adjustable office furniture, such as the Ongo Spark desk and the Ongo chairs, adapt individually to the body size and promote a healthy posture thanks to their ergonomic design, thereby supporting active sitting, which contributes to better back and joint health in the long term.

ONGO by KÖHL in the home office:

With the increase in home working a systematically arranged workplace is becoming more important. The office furniture from ONGO by KÖHL offers ergonomic advantages and is characterised by its space-saving design. The Ongo standing aids and Ongo stools can be easily moved, a inherent flexibility that makes it possible to design the workplace dynamically and promotes movement, creativity and productivity. ONGO by KÖHL furniture integrates seamlessly into all living spaces and creates an ideal combination of functionality and aesthetics.

Functionality and design of ONGO by KÖHL furniture

How does the Ongo chair support health and well-being?

The concept of Active Sitting is at the heart of the ONGO by KÖHL portfolio. Instead of conventional office chairs, the Ongo chair offers a dynamic, ergonomic solution for modern working. The curved base reacts to every shift in weight and thus activates the muscles and blood circulation. Many models, such as the Ongo Free and Ongo Classic stools, are height-adjustable and ideal for sit-stand workstations. Regular changes in position relieve the spine, activate the muscles and promote healthy posture. This freedom of movement increases general well-being in the workplace.

For which work environments or activities is the Ongo chair suitable?

The Ongo chair impresses with its versatility and flexibility. Thanks to its low weight, it can be transported effortlessly, which opens up new possibilities for use. This is particularly ideal for dynamic environments such as team offices, creative workshops or spontaneous meetings. The furniture adapts seamlessly to different requirements, whether in open office landscapes, co-working spaces or home offices. The Ongo chairs can be used directly at the desk for office work, but also at reception desks, for group meetings or as seating in waiting positions.

What makes the design of the Ongo stools special?

The sustainably produced Ongo stools and Ongo standing seats are characterized by a timeless design that can be harmoniously integrated into everyday work. The modern aesthetics of the ONGO by KÖHL furniture match various furnishing styles - be it classic-modern, minimalist-Scandinavian or Japandi style. The furniture is not only space-saving and functional, but also impresses with details such as the table recess on the Ongo Spark desk for hanging the stools, which not only pays off as a practical function, but also makes cleaning under the Ongo desk easier.

ONGO by KÖHL uses high-quality, durable materials that are aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly. The selection of upholstery fabrics includes leather and textiles in a wide range of colors, so that the furniture can be adapted to individual preferences and room concepts. The ONGO by KÖHL design stands for an agile work culture and makes the ONGO by KÖHL office furniture a real all-rounder in every work environment, be it in the classic office, the home office or the temporary pop-up office.

Ongo at Sustainability

Sustainability has a high priority at Ongo. When producing the Ongo stools, which takes place in Germany, the manufacturer uses raw materials that are produced as sustainably as possible and only wood from PEFC or FSC-certified cultivation. Each component is labelled so that it is easy to recycle, and old products are also taken back. Furthermore, Ongo by KÖHL strives to use as few resources as possible by keeping its products light in transport weight and employing lean, efficient processes.

Ergonomics with ONGO by KÖHL

FAQ – Ergonomics in the workplace

What does ergonomics in the workplace mean?

Ergonomics in the workplace is understood as the adaptation of working conditions to people. These working conditions should ideally be designed in such a way that the health burden on employees is kept as low as possible and a good working atmosphere is created.

Why is an ergonomic workplace so important?

An ergonomic workplace has a positive effect on the health of employees and leads to greater productivity. Ergonomic office furniture, short screen breaks and regular movement are essential to prevent postural damage, especially for activities that are mainly performed while sitting.

How can I become active myself? Five tips for more ergonomics in the office

1. Work alternately sitting and standing
2. Regular exercise: going to the next table, the short walk to the printer, a walk during the break
3. Regular screen breaks
4. Incorporate short stretching exercises into everyday work
5. Ventilate the workspace