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Ulmer Hocker in Colour
Ulmer Hocker
Ulmer Hocker in Colour, American walnut
Ulmer Hocker in Colour, Black

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WB Form

WB Form have devoted themselves to the new edition of design classics, but also produce designs by contemporary designers. The centre of the WB Form collection is taken up with the furniture of Max Bill. The history of WB Forms in its present form began in 2011 with the re-edition of Bill's maximum reduced and iconic Ulm stool. WB Form is a sister company of the renowned Swiss furniture retailer Wohnbedarf, for whom Max Bill designed the logo.

smow sells exclusively originals from licensed manufacturers and is an official trading partner of WB Form.

More about 'wb form' in our journal

Werkbund Berlin present lecture series "Die gute Form"

As the prevailing design ideology in post-War Germany die gute Form almost single handedly established the modern German design tradition, and so by extrapolation was responsible for defining the popular understanding of "German Design" Loosely translatable...

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