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The Kragstuhl

The so-called Kragstuhl from Tecta is a seat without rear legs, and which, unlike the classic Bauhaus cantilever chairs, does not swing, but is rigid. The design was adapted from Jean Prouvé's "tube aplati" design concept from 1924. Since 1979 Tecta have hosted a Kragstuhl museum at their headquarters in Lauenförde, Germany. Comprising some 3000 square meters of exhibition rooms the central feature is the Kragstuhl collection, a collection which illustrates the development and construction of the chair genre, as well as important documents from the Bauhaus and its designers. "Our museum concerns itself with everything that Krags," states Axel Bruchhäuser, with reference to the characteristic supportless overhangings of both the Krag and the Cantilever chairs. The museum is the last major work Peter Smithson designed after the death of his wife Alison. In the museum they stand today in rank and file: The strict Stam, the soft Breuer, the elegant Mies. With over 1000 exhibits, the development of the back leg-less chair is documented from the rigid cantilever construction to the spring cantilever chair. Tecta cantilever chairs, such as the B 25 are available in different variants and colors, and with or without armrests.

The Kragstuhl Museum in Lauenförde, Germany

The B20 Kragchair is one of many Tecta Bauhaus re-editions