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Eiermann 1 Table Frame vs Eiermann 2 Table Frame

Eiermann 1 Table Frame

The Eiermann 1 Table Frame is one of the genuine classics of modern furniture design. In 1953 Egon Eiermann designed a table frame from two lateral, steel tube side elements connected by crossbars at an angle. Minimal material use with maximum stability, coupled with Egon Eiermann's high design requirements, make the Eiermann 1 Table Frame unique in its construction and yet universal in its application as the basis for the Eiermann table.

Eiermann 1 Table Frame

Eiermann 2 Table Frame

Eiermann 2 Table Frame

The modified frame version with the vertical crossbars originates from 1965 and is also referred to as Eiermann table frame. The frame is similar to the original, but is not by Egon Eiermann. The name Eiermann 2 has however established itself as the popular name for this popular table frame.

In a direct comparison of both table frames, Egon Eiermann's attention to detail is clearly visible in the original 'table frame 1' than in the practice-optimized variant 'table frame 2', which is not by Egon Eiermann.

History and copyright of the Eiermann Table Frame

In 1953 the German architect Egon Eiermann designed a table frame with an oblique lying crossbar for stabilisation. In the first version of this table frame, the side panels were securely welded to the crossbar; however, in the 1960s a member of staff at the Karlsruhe University, where Eiermann was a Professor, adapted Eiermann's design to make it transportable. Essentially the welded points were replaced by screw based attachments, and the angle of the crossbar was switched from oblique to vertical. For many years only cheap replicas of the Eiermann frame were available on the market; however, in 1995 Richard Lampert received the exclusive manufacturing rights for the Eiermann table frame from the Eiermann family. Since then, the original (Eiermann 1 Table Frame) has been produced in the original form - albeit a dismantle form - and to the highest quality standards. The somewhat less sophisticated, but practically oriented, Eiermann 2 Table Frame is also produced by Richard Lampert.

Although originally developed by Egon Eiermann as an architects desk, the Eiermann table now also finds widespread use in offices, conference rooms, as a dining table or as a popular children's table.

Assembly of the Eiermann Table Frame

Eiermann table frame crossbar

The side frames and crossbars can be assembled into tables of differing sizes. The Eiermann 1 Table Frame is available in 2 sizes. The table frame Eiermann 2 is available in a larger number of versions and sizes. The crossbar of the Eiermann 2 can be bolted centrally or vertically offset - depending on the intended area of application and the desired leg-freedom.
Table tops are usually placed loosely atop the frame. Rubber stoppers can be used to reduce the risk of slippage.

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