Products Rooms Manufacturers & Designers Highlights Offers Info Store
smow Berlin
Kurfürstendamm 100
10709 Berlin

+49 30 31 00 44 22

Opening times:
Mon-Fri 10:30 am - 7 pm
Sat 11 am - 6 pm
Eames Plastic Side Chair RE DSR
Eames Plastic Armchair RE DAW
Eames Plastic Side Chair RE DSW
Eames Plastic Armchair RE DAR
Eames Plastic Side Chair RE DSX
Eames Fiberglass Chair DSR
Eames Plastic Armchair RE LAR
Eames Fiberglass Chair DSW
Eames Plastic Armchair RE RAR
Eames Plastic Side Chair RE DSR Duotone
Wire Chair DKR
Eames Plastic Sidechair RE DSW Promotion Set of 4
Wire Chair DKX
Eames Plastic Armchair RE DAX
Eames Fiberglass Armchair DAR
Eames Plastic Armchair RE PACC
Eames Plastic Side Chair RE DSS
Eames Plastic Side Chair RE PSCC
Eames Plastic Armchair RE DAL
Eames Fiberglass Armchair DAW
Eames Fiberglass Chair DSX
Wire Chair DKR Checker
Eames Plastic Side Chair RE LSR
Wire Chair DKW
Eames Fiberglass Armchair RAR
Eames Fiberglass Armchair LAR
Eames Plastic Armchair RE RAR with Upholstery
Eames Fiberglass Armchair DAX

More about 'acousticpearls' in our journal

International Noise Awareness Day 2010

...Those produced by Bremen based acousticpearls are not only certified according to ISO 354:2003 (ISO 354:2003 specifies a method of measuring the sound absorption coefficient of acoustical materials used as wall or ceiling treatments, or the equivalent sound absorption area of objects, such as furniture, persons or space absorbers, in a reverberation room) but also come in a range of high quality Kvadrat textile coverings and so also visually enhance your office... The size of room and the amount of noise that needs to be neutralized determine the number of panels required; the existing decor, determines if the acousticpearls panels in Mono, Duo or Stripe are chosen and in which colours...

new at smow: acousticpearls

...This fairly basic principle is the idea behind acousticpearls... Only, and as with all really good industrial design, the crowning glory is the step from raw physics to design: which in the case of acousticpearls is the outer covering in pure new wool coverings from Danish producer kvadrat...

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