Finance in Motion, Frankfurt

New rooms and extension for a financial asset manager

Entry area Finance in Motion, Frankfurt
Client: Finance in Motion
Planning: smow Frankfurt
Year: 2016-2017
Areas furnished: Office, open space, conference rooms, lounge areas, tea kitchens, reception
Project specification: Relocation and design of all rooms
Client: Finance in Motion
Planning: smow Frankfurt
Year: 2016-2017
Areas furnished: Office, open space, conference rooms, lounge areas, tea kitchens, reception
Project specification: Relocation and design of all rooms
Lighting installation Finance in Motion, Frankfurt
As part of a company expansion, the German office of Finance in Motion relocated to new premises, thereby requiring the integrated design of four floors, including the integration of existing furniture and lighting, and with a special emphasis on sustainability. In addition to single and double offices, an open space area as well as various short meeting and retreat areas with variable use functions were demanded. The focus was on the design and technical conception of the meeting rooms, the boardroom and the lounge areas with kitchen, whereby solutions were developed with the aid of flexible furniture systems which enabled the company to integrate the differing needs of employees, customers and visitors, as well as to host events of an ever varying nature and with differing numbers of participants.
Meeting room Finance in Motion, Frankfurt
The strategic wishes of the customer was implemented by smow Frankfurt through a furnishing concept that made use of both existing and new furniture. An open space concept was developed for a defined employee group while a further focus was the design of the conference area and the boardroom; design concepts which at all times took into account the customer's technical requirements. In addition to a comprehensive colour and material concept, smow Frankfurt also planned tailored carpeting solutions, tea kitchens and café bars, the latter in conjunction with experienced carpenters, while beyond furniture smow Frankfurt also developed the lighting concept for the lounge areas until its implementation in close cooperation with the manufacturers. In addition, the smow team coordinated the access to and flow of the work on site with the landlord.

Our expert

smow Planning Expert
Roland Dötsch
Project Planner smow Frankfurt
Cafeteria Finance in Motion, Frankfurt
Cafeteria Finance in Motion, Frankfurt

Project synopsis

Finance in Motion has been supported by Roland Dötsch for many years. In 2012, he and his team accompanied the company's move from the city centre to Theodor-Stern Kai. The latest relocation, as with the first a consequence of Finance in Motions continuing growth, involved a much shorter move, but one not only into a bigger space but a contemporary office environment with spectacular views of the river, the city and the Taunus Hills, and which for all perfectly combines the complex requirements of day-to-day work, and required flexibility, in an international context with a representative concept.

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